
The Ultimate Guide to Throwing the Purrfect Cat Birthday Party

Birthday parties for pets are becoming more and more popular every year, and why shouldn’t they?

Our pets are huge parts of our lives, they are with us every day sharing all of our good times and bad times. They bring us joy, comfort and companionship in an unconditional way. Why shouldn’t we celebrate another year of their life on earth?

I can’t think of any reason why not.

When it comes to our cats it is important that we plan the right kind of party for them. The purrfect party.

Cats are unique little creatures. They have their quirks and they know exactly what they do and don’t want.

When it comes to dogs you can kind of go in any direction you want with a party, but with cats, you need to make sure that everything in your party is suitable for them and their individual natures.

Cats are kings and queens, and they know it, that’s for sure.

To help you out with this important task, we have some tips and tricks on how you can throw the best possible birthday party for your cat.

Let’s get straight into it.

Put Your Cat First

While a birthday party for your cat is an opportunity for you and your friends/family to celebrate their life and the impact they have on your life, it is super important that you put your cat and their needs first when it comes to throwing them a birthday party.

Everything in a cat party needs to be cat-friendly, not just human-friendly.

Try to keep things low-key, either in your own home or in a chilled-out and casual event space.

Decorations are great and you can find loads of special cat-themed decorations on the Internet made by fellow cat lovers. But try to limit any loud noises, candles, or anything that might over-stimulate your cat.

Decorate the room you are using with lots of fun cat-friendly toys and play-things. Cats love to explore and roam and they will absolutely love it if you set up a kind of obstacle course for them wherever you are.

The cheapest way to do this on a budget? Cardboard boxes.

There is nothing more your cat loves than an empty cardboard box.

Put some treats around for them to sniff out and hunt, put scratching posts up, and dot strings, ribbons and such things around for them to play with.

Try and think of what would be fun if you were a cat and then incorporate that into your party space.

Invite Human Friends Only

It might seem like a cute and fun idea to invite other cats and pets to your cat’s birthday party but, in reality, this isn’t a good idea.

Cats aren’t as social as people think and they take a long time to warm up to new kitty friends.

Keep your guest list to human pals only and avoid any hissing or fighting for the day.

Take Things Easy

The best environment for cats is one that is relaxed and calm.

The purrfect cat party will be one with no added stress or overstimulation for your cat.

While you celebrate them and their little life, allow them to roam about unbothered as much as they want. If they want attention, great, but try not to overwhelm them.

Give your guests some treats and toys that they can approach your cat with, but urge them to take it easy and let your cat make the first move.

If you want to entice them over, get some catnip toys and treats to boost their mood and energy levels a little. But don’t let them overindulge.

Keep a cat’s pace with the whole thing and everything will go swimmingly.

Set Up A Cat Photoshoot Area

It is completely understandable that your party guests will want some pictures with the birthday boy or girl. Who wouldn’t?

But there are ways to do this so that is cat appropriate. Most cats don’t like to be lifted often and, especially so, not by lots of strangers.

A cool and Instagram-pleasing way to get birthday photos with your cat is to set up a little cat photoshoot area. This could be a table or a countertop with plenty of room. Put a blanket or table cloth down and prop something up for a background, such as cardboard or a large sheet.

Then, add some treats and toys to the table to keep your cat happy and entertained. Have your guests stand at the photoshoot area and then take their photos there. They can be playing with your cat, engaging with the toys, or giving them some pats and boops.

This will result in natural candid photos with a lot of joy from everyone involved.

You will have great memories without any scratches on the arms of those who tried to pick your cat up for a photo…

Win-win for everyone involved!

Plan Some After-Care

After everything is said and done and all of your guests have gone home, it’s time for some after-care for your cat.

They’ve had a busy and exciting day, and they will need to relax and unwind a little bit.

Give them a cosy blanket or bed to sleep on, leave plenty of fresh water near them, and let them be alone for a while.

Cats need plenty of time to restore their social battery and no doubt they will be feeling a little drained after their party.

Use this downtime to have a look through your amazing photos and send your guests a little thank you message.

You can be pleased with yourself knowing you have planned and executed the best party possible for you, your friends and your loved little furry one.

Cats are absolutely something to be celebrated and adored, but remember to do it on their terms.

They won’t settle for anything less!


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